Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ok, let me tell you what it's like every time Pitchfork puts out a list

Me: Dude, how could p4k rank [this band] number [x] on their list?! Like what the hell?
Juan: Man, it's pitchfork.
Me: Yeah, I know, I shouldn't get worked up, it's just a list.
Juan: Yeah.
Me: But I like lists. Lists are fun.
Juan: Lists are good.
Me: They didn't release their number one yet, but know it's gonna be Radiohead.

[today's "[this band]" was Vampire Weekend, and "[x]" was equal to 51, on their top albums of the 2000s list. I'll probably do a fave albums of the decade list sometime soon. I can say one thing with some certainty: Vampire Weekend will probably not make it.]

No more cigarettes, no more havin' sex, no more drinkin' 'til you fall on the floor, no more indie rock, just a ticking clock

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Screen door slams

Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band
United Center
September 20, 2009

Oh my god, this concert.

Just...oh my god. Yes, he's that good.

This Morning We Remembered Everything

Circulatory System, Nesey Gallons, Pipes You See, Pipes You Don't
September 18, 2009
Chopin Theater

Pipes You See, Pipes You Don't

Trust me, that's Circulatory System

Elephant Six Fall Obviously tour 2009. It was great, but I slept through a lot of Nesey Gallons. He was good, don't get me wrong, but this show ended at 1:50 am. Peter Erchick played "I Have Been Floated" :rock:!

That translates to: Thank you Ryan Adams for making a hit record to pay for all our duds

Bloodshot BBQ featuring: Moonshine Willy, Scotland Yard Gospel Choir, Alejandro Escovedo, Rico Bell, Waco Brothers
September 12, 2009
Outside the Hideout

Moonshine Willy

Scotland Yard Gospel Choir

Alejandro Escovedo

Waco Brothers + Alejandro Escovedo

Bands, belt sander races, a drunken spelling bee, tumbling Scotland Yard Gospel Choir fans, the Waco Brothers and Alejandro Escovedo doing a song together, and a copy of the vinyl reissue of A Man Under The Influence. For what more could one possibly ask?

I would also like to take the opportunity to say that I would like to build a racing belt sander. Someday. Maybe not today. Eventually.

Going out of town for about a week

so I'm gonna run off a few posts in a few minutes. Stand by.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Albums played in full

I like the idea of albums being played front to back in a live setting. Let's see...

Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation, at Pitchfork Fest '07
GZA - Liquid Swords, at Pitchfork Fest '07
Lemonheads - It's A Shame About Ray, Abbey Pub '08
Public Enemy - It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back, Pitchfork '08
Liz Phair - Exile in Guyville, the Vic '08
The Decemberists - Hazards of Love, Lollapalooza '09

There are a couple of 10.0s up there (Daydream Nation, Nation of Millions), but I doubt that any of these are quite Born To Run.

So we'll see how this goes tonight.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Glow In The Dark Tour t-shirt does not glow in the dark

I'm going to get back to posting other stuff soon, I swear.

Monday, September 14, 2009


This blog isn't picking sides or anything, it's just sayin'...

Let the record also show

This blog likes Taylor Swift, too.

Let the record show

This blog still loves Kanye West.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Among the dust and the microfiche

The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Depreciation Guild, Cymbals Eat Guitars
Logan Square Auditorium
September 8

"I think this is the first time anyone has been kicked out for moshing at a Pains of Being Pure at Heart show"

Between them, the combined p4k score for Pains of Being Pure at Heart and Cymbals Eat Guitars is 16.7. Dang, that's better than any one Beatles album! [but my math could be off...and also Rubber Soul is likely still better]

[and wow, that's an awful picture...sorry.]



Cymbals Eat Guitars on MySpace

Your Life Is Over

Titus Andronicus, The So So Glos, Cococoma
Bottom Lounge
September 7

"You're cool and everything, but this guy's wearing the shirt. It's not even written on with sharpie or anything, it's a real fucking shirt. This song's for him."


It took me a while to actually get into Airing of Grievances, but oh my god, it's really, really fantastic.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Bring the good boys home

The 1900s
Pritzker Pavilion
September 4


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wait, this doesn't sound like a love song

"This is an awful song to dedicate to a woman."

Van Ghost
Wells Park Gazebo
September 1


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hm, this is called a "pick?"

Robert Bobbert and the Bubble Machine and Bunny Clogs
Pritzker Pavilion
August 31, 2009

"Jump," you say? With a soft "g" sound? Hm. I think I like "gump" better, but ok.

Also, for future reference, the next time I'm in Minneapolis: Midtown Greenway

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Video killed the something something

Pitchfork's top 50 music videos of the 00s

This is one of those things that's going to keep me up all night.